Oliver Villar On Apr 26, 2011

Well! I've just read the news about this year's Google Summer of Code :) There are quite exciting things that will be developed in Blender during this event: Camera Tracker, BGE features and polish, animation system cleanup, retopology and mesh tools (hopefully with Bmesh!)... and much more!! Here you have the entire list and people involved:

Oliver Villar On Apr 25, 2011

Hi again! It's time for sculpting!! Blender has a quite nice sculpting system, very easy to use, and very powerful. On this tutorial, we'll take a tour over the basic tools, and how to use the Sculpt Mode. Then, at the end of the video, I've put a quick timelapse, showing the main workflow for sculpting in blender a simple character's face. In future tutorials we'll make some retopo work with it :D

Oliver Villar On Apr 14, 2011

Hi again!!

Blender 2.57 has been finally released! It's the first "stable" version from the 2.5x series :D It features some UI cleaning, some new features, and a looot of bugfixes!

Click this image for watching the official Blender 2.57 features page

Oliver Villar On Mar 23, 2011

Hello! It was about time for the third part of this tutorial! Finally, the Uvs & Textures tutorial is finnished. On the two first parts, you learnt how to unwrap objects, in order to apply textures to them. Now you'll learn how to apply textures to a material so you can render that textures!

Hola! Ya era hora de que publicara esta tercera parte del tutorial! Finalmente, la serie de tutoriales sobre UVs y Texturas llega a su fin. En las dos primeras partes, hemos visto cómo generar las UVs de objetos para poder aplicarles texturas. Ahora veremos cómo aplicar texturas a un material de modo que se puedan renderizar!

Espero que os guste y que esta serie os haya sido de utilidad! Es un aspecto bastante complejo del 3D, pero muy útil y común en usuarios medios y avanzados. Con un poco de práctica todo este proceso se vuelve muy sencillo e intuitivo ;)


Oliver Villar On Mar 9, 2011

Hi!! A Blender user called Antonio Vázquez, has sent me two useful images with some of the most used Blender keyboard shortcuts, and as they can help to a lot of people, here they are :)

Oliver Villar On Feb 28, 2011

Hi there!! The last weeks have been pretty crazy for me, but after the waiting time... I come with the next tutorial! This time is about unwrapping a more complex object :) During the record I had some errors... I was going to delete that parts, but I decided to let it wrong so you can see what issues you can find... and how to workaround them ;)

Hola a todos! Estas últimas semanas han sido una locura para mi, pero después de tan larga espera... llego con el siguiente tutorial! Esta vez va sobre hacer el unwrap de un objeto más complejo :) Durante la grabación he tenido algunos errores... iba a borrar esas partes, pero he decidido dejarlas así, para que podáis ver qué problemas os podéis encontrar y cómo solucionalos ;)

El siguiente tutorial tratará de la aplicación de texturas a los materiales para poder verlas en el momento de sacar el render.
Además... estoy preparando una sorpresilla para blendtuts que espero poder mostraros muy pronto :D

Un saludo!!

Oliver Villar On Jan 29, 2011

Hi there!

I write this post because at the publishing of the last tutorial I had an error :( Some of you have notticed that I sent you an email with the new post... and in that email, some emails were revealed to other subscribers :S

I apologize for that, and I hope that my error doesn't have any consequences for you ;)

And actually I'm calling for your help with this post :)